
All week i have been tired and unmotivated. I woke today to a gorgeous, sunny spring day but just wanted to stay in bed. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t go back to sleep so I tried to think of what I could do to make myself feel more “like me”. I decided that now was as good a time as any to start getting rid of all the stuff we have that just isn’t “me” anymore.

And it was marvelous. Here it is six hours later and my mood has brightened tremendously. I have energy again!

I’m not the only one doing this.  I just saw this on Crazy to be Me’s  blog.

I’m excited about the Mondo Beyondo course starting in May so every once in awhile I google “Mondo Beyondo”.  As a result, Ii am running across blogs of many bright and eloquent women. Women who have the courage to say their dreams out loud and go after them.  Crazy to be Me blog is one of those blogs.

She mentions creating a “clearing” for your dreams — something she learned in Mondo Beyondo. I probably don’t grasp the concept fully but it does speak to me. I have felt the need to “clear” my past, my layers of protection, my fears about revealing my dreams and pursuing them for some time now…honestly, for lots of years.

So I think all my subconscious thoughts about that clearing finally made it to the surface and allowed me to start the clearing today. I started with the easier way to clear — all the material things that take up space but no longer serve a purpose.

I love this photo of our back yard. All the green and the two lone adirondack chairs just speak “simple” to me.

2 thoughts on “Clearing

  1. Wow, I’m touched by your comments. Craziness abounds in my world but Modo Beyondo has given me a different perspective or focus or something. I hope it proves beneficial to you too.

    p.s. I love Chookooloonks too – been reading her for a while! There are many awesome women out there and I’m glad the interwebs helps us find them.


  2. Pingback: Clearing, Rebelling « (LMNOP)

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